CHAIN BLOCK Applications

Last updated - 19 February 2024      Post by - Luhix Lift      


A chain block is ideal for high vertical loads, unlike a lever hoist that has to be used next to you. You can still operate the pulling chain from the ground even when the hoist is positioned up high. Most hand hoists are used for infrequent maintenance applications where speed is not a requirement. They should not be specified for continuous lifting applications, especially when long lifts are required. Typical uses are to: 

✓ Lift and hold beams and pipes in place for welding or bolting operations

✓ Maintain a turbine for critical lifts and installs where precise, micro-movements are required

✓ Be used as coal gun hoist in the wind energy industry

✓ Install and remove valves in the oil & gas sector Lift pumps, generators, or other heavy equipment in water treatment facilities

✓ Lift loads from the higher levels on construction sites

✓ Remove engines from cars easily in automotive garages

✓ Lift items to and from the belt in assembly-line factories 

✓ Others: machine shops, workshops, or warehouses farms etc to load or unload goods. In some industries where the risk of an explosion is high such as metal processing companies and energy production companies, an explosion-protection-rated chain hoist should be considered.
